LFS Ambassador

NEW: LFS Ambassadors

Hilda HeydeNews

The Language Friendly School celebrates its fervent supporters who spread language friendliness through training and courses. They motivate many schools to become a Language Friendly School. These supporters are the newest addition to the LFS Network as Language Friendly School Ambassadors!

During the Language Friendly School Conference, we announced 6 Language Friendly School Ambassadors. These individuals, in particular, tirelessly and with great impact, dedicate themselves to promoting multilingualism in the field of education.

Podcast featuring LFS Ambassador

Dr. Eowyn Crisfield is one of the new Language Friendly School Ambassadors! With her expertise in bilingualism and education, she supports and trains schools and governments in the domain of education. In the podcast Primary Futures she is interviewed and talks about what is needed for multilingual learners in terms of perspective, expertise and classroom practice. She puts a special spotlight on Kensington Primary, the Language Friendly School in London. 

Kensington Primary is “an example of what schools can do when they have the will to support students who are multilingual in very, very different ways. Everything, from the food in the cafetaria, to their physical education program, through to their approaches to reading is all absolutely connected to the children who are in their school, who are by and large learning English as an additional language. […] They have absolutely designed their curriculum to fit their kids rather than trying to make their kids fit the curriculum.”

In this episode she also talks about her work with the Jersey government in creating a multilingual policy that is Island-wide and for every school. Due to this policy change there are now Multilingual Leads in every school. Three of these Multilingual Leads are now Language Friendly School Coordinators as well, because Plat Douet, Janvrin School, and Trinity School are Language Friendly Schools. We celebrate her because her work with schools in several parts of the world has led to many more Language Friendly Schools!

Listen to this episode to find out more about this new Language Friendly Ambassador: https://www.hamilton-trust.org.uk/primary-futures-podcast/speaking-multiple-languages-with-dr-eowyn-crisfield/

School Board Proud of LFS Ambassador

One of the new Language Friendly School Ambassadors, Dieneke Blikslager, is being celebrated. ASKO schools is the school board of St. Janschool, where she is the vice-principal. ASKO congratulates her in this announcement. From the very beginning, Dieneke has been enthusiastic about the idea of the Language-Friendly School. Her school became the first Language-Friendly School in 2019. Beyond her own school, she continues to spread this further. The phrase ‘a Language Friendly sauce’ has now become one of Dieneke’s signature sayings.

Stay tuned for more about prof. Jim Cummins, dr. Joana Duarte, dr. Antoinette Gagne, our LFS Ambassadors!