
The Language Friendly Academy offers online learning by connecting independent e-learning and live training

You can book a training as an individual teacher, parent or staff member.

Do you want to organize a training for your entire team? Have a look at our training offer for teams!

Also for schools that are not a Language Friendly School yet, we provide training.

Training and workshops

Inspiration Session

Are you interested in becoming a Language Friendly School? Is your team interested in learning how the Language Friendly School works? We offer inspiration sessions at your school or online.

Online session

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Costs: on request

At your school: 

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Costs: on request
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How to make a Language Friendly School Plan? 

This course is made up of 2 sessions, offered online or on location at your school.

  1.  What is a Language Friendly School Plan?
  2. How do we implement a Language Friendly School Plan?

Online sessions: 

  • Duration: 2 hours per session

At your school: 

  • Duration: 2 hours per session
  • Costs: on request
Book this training

E-learning: What is a Language Friendly School?

Incl. monthly live Q&A session with experts

  • Time: 1 hour
  • Date: Monthly
  • Duration Q&A: 30 minutes
  • Costs: 15 euro per person
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