Membership Fees
A membership fee applies to cover minimal costs of maintaining the network, facilitating online events, developing the programme and resources, and offering support meetings. Benefits for schools include:
- Professional learning network: Meetings with teachers and staff from other Language Friendly Schools, online meetings and in-person conferences.
- One-on-one support meetings for your school's LFS plan
- Online Platform with a toolkit
• Multilingual teaching strategies
• Videos and webinars
• Latest research findings - Project opportunities for teachers and school leaders
- Use of the logo and the name Language Friendly School / Taalvriendelijke School
- Access to a network of experts and researchers

Public schools
€345 euros
(ex 21,5% VAT) per year for two years
International / private schools
€ 1150 euros
(ex 21,5% VAT) per year for two years
For schools with a student tuition bracket of up to € 10.000 per year
International / private schools
€ 2000 euros
(ex 21,5% VAT) per year for two years
For schools with the highest student tuition bracket of more than € 10.000 per year
Costs should not be an obstacle to participating in the Language Friendly School network. Schools that for any reason are unable to pay the annual amount, we ask to contact us.
Schools who may wish to support their fellow schools are encouraged to donate to the Rutu Foundation (bank account IBAN NL81 INGB 0006043020, citing 'donation Language Friendly School'.)